Herbert (2021)
"HERBERT is a danced tribute to my grandfather, Herbert Berndsen, who passed away in February 2022. HERBERT is a portrait of his stormy past, his joie de vivre, his tragic departure and the inspiring person who 'he was... HERBERT, it's also my way of saying goodbye to him and making him live forever in motion and in my head." Pauline Gervais
Herbert was directed by Alexandre Paskanoi (Kinobloom) and performed by Danny Morissette. This short film is a co-production of the 20th edition of the Festival Quartiers Danses.
This film about dance had its World Premiere on September 10, 2022 at the Cinéma du Musée of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts as part of the 20th edition of FQD. It was also presented on October 29, 2022 at the DANTZAN TZAN Fest in Vitoria, Spain. It will soon be presented at the Athens Video Dance Project.
Hello (2021)
Choreography et Interpretation for the music video Hello by singer Fred Boucher.
Falling down (2021)
Choreography et Interpretation for the music video Falling Down by singer Fred Boucher.
Carnet 01 (2021)
Carnet 01 is a short film that was made as part of the exhibition Carnet 01 of the Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay in Montreal, Canada. In collaboration with Festival Quartiers Danses, it is a major citizen mobilization project for artistic expression in the Sud-Ouest borough. More than 40 notebooks were completed by professional artists from several artistic disciplines: visual art; digital art; choreographer, dancer, animation filmmaker, illustrator, visual artist, sculptor, fine craftsman, musician and composer.
Through the mask (2020)
Through the mask is a short video marking the importance of wearing a mask for the survival of the arts in times of pandemic. Produced as part of Élaine Gardner's Mask Project, it reveals six dancers who, like warriors armed with their masked protection, do not give up in the face of adversity.
Merging Bodies (2020)
Produced in collaboration with Festival Quartiers Danses, Merging Bodies is a short film about dance where distance and proximity combine to create a new paradigm. In today's world that upsets our bearings and our relationship to each other, the performing duo seeks to connect despite the invisible barriers between them. Through a fluid, disarticulated and spasmodic gesture, this duo merges to become twin entities despite the space that separates them. This coproduction has been realized in collaboration with Festival Quartiers Danses.
Temps Sauvages (2020)
In collaboration with Festival Vue sur relève and CISM station 89.3 FM, Temps Sauvages is a short film that was made as part of the Room Service edition. On the CISM chart tracks, nostalgia, frustration and a desire for expression are wildly intertwined in strange and pandemic times.
Temps Présent ( 2018)
Produced by video production company Kinobloom, Temps Présent is a short film about the freedom of movement in urban space through the individuality of the founder of Pauline Berndsen Danse. In this way, at sunrise, Pauline Gervais evolves in space with spontaneity and intensity.